When I first met Joe

Created by dickgiroux85 11 years ago
I have soo much enjoyed reading the stories written by Joseph's family and friends. Some of them made me want to cry. I remember him partly from the Marantette/Giroux biyearly week long family camping events that took place at various sites in California and Oregon - and once in Montana. A quiet but active boy and later a gentle and active man. I first met Joseph, who was with his mother Dorothea, in the hospital in Sacramento not too many days after he was born, some time between Christmas and New Year's Day, 1949. A very cute baby. A few years later the Clayton Giroux family, and my wife Arlene and I, (with no children of our own - yet), visited Joseph's grandmother (Clayton and my mother) in Columbia Falls, Montana. As fathers are wont to do, Clayton checked on how Joseph was doing in the bathroom and found that Joseph had apparently decided it to be a boring place - so he entertained himself by spinning the toilet tissue so that the paper formed quite a pile on the floor. Clayton, as always, handled the situation well by decreeing the we should all, as the need arises, reduce the tissue pile by removing sheets from one end or the other. We all have our special memories of Joseph. I have many much more elegant memories than the afore mentioned toilet paper caper. If you are like me in this respect when you recall these events you are crying a little and smiling at the same time. - Joseph's Uncle Dick * * * Thank you Uncle Dick. We are working on getting some of Joseph's baby pictures digitized for this site. - T.G.
